Blueberry Muffins (This post contains affiliate links. It costs you nothing extra but helps support my blog when you order through my links. Thank you so much!) Well, I wasn’t going to do any more baking for a while. Then we get back from an awesome Homeschool Convention (Teach Them Diligently in Dallas) and…
Crockpot Spinach Lasagna
We had this for dinner last night! I wanted to make a lasagna in a crockpot instead of the oven and I didn’t want to use zucchini or spaghetti squash… sooo I thought fresh SPINACH!!! Perfect!! And it worked very well! Husband said “hmmmm hmmm”! I did cook the meat first and made…
What I Buy From Trader Joe’s
Hey Guys, If you are needing a Trader Joe’s grocery list to help when shopping for THM items, I am sharing mine! There are other things I like to buy there as well that are not really related to THM like their all natural hand soaps, lotions, vit E oil, flowers, live herbs, etc. Also, if…
Stawberry Breakfast Muffins
Finally, I have another breakfast recipe! I love this recipe so much! Cannot wait to bring this to a brunch or breakfast. I have been trying to use coconut flour a little more lately. It is cheaper and I think there are more health benefits than Almond Flour (I love almond flour though)! It is…
Chocolate Coconut Flour Cupcakes
I Love Chocolate! I know, I know, you do too! And I LOVE cupcakes! I had a dream once about opening up a cupcake shop… long time ago. But now I CAN DREAM ABOUT CUPCAKES AND EAT THEM TOO! I seriously did a victory dance after making these. Even surprised my husband… he walks…
Italian Cream Cake
My husband made a request… make him a THM Italian Cream Cake. His second favorite cake next to German Chocolate Cake (which I conquered). Challenge excepted! Here is what I came up with and I have one happy husband! Love making him happy!! Happy husband, happy wife, happy life! 😉 What makes this cake…
Garbanzo Bean Soup
Another quick, throw together soup! Hardest part is cutting up the vegetables (so if you have chopped frozen vegetables this is even that much easier)! An E meal that would work with a small scoop of brown rice and even some cooked chicken breast to make it go further. Start with chopping lots of good…
Strawberry Black Forest Trifle
So excited to share this recipe with you!!! Such a decadent dessert and perfect timing for all the graduation parties and summer parties/get togethers that will be going on over the summer! I dreamed this one up while resting from giving birth almost two weeks ago. I’ve been itching to get back into the kitchen! …