Necessary Time (by Briana Thomas) 2018 Calendar GIVEAWAY Yes, that is one of my silly kiddos photobombing my picture… haha! Hey y’all! I am so excited to get to bring you this giveaway! Y’all this calendar is AMAZING! Briana Thomas really went all out on this beautiful calendar… the photography is STUNNING… as is…
Necessary Time Calendar Giveaway
Gifts Ideas for the THM!
Mrs. Criddle’s Gift Ideas for the THM (This post contains affiliate links. These affiliate links do not cost you anything extra!) This post is to encourage your THM journey by offering help to those who want to help you on your THM journey… that was a mouthful. Basically, these are gift ideas for a THM! …
Adrienne’s Christmas Cookies
(This post contains affiliate links.) Adrienne’s Christmas Cookies I’m so excited to get to share these CHRISTMAS COOKIE with you! And the fact that they are OH PLAN, won’t spike your blood sugar, OR make your kids crazy! I don’t know but I am super happy about that! This brilliant lady, Adrienne Droogsma, adapted…
Mexican Chocolate Mousse
(This post may include affiliate links. This does not cost you anything extra if you choose to purchase through my affiliate link. Thank you for helping support my blog.) Mexican Chocolate Mousse- I created this recipe a while back but am just FINISHING it. LIFE HAS BEEN BUSY LATELY! This recipe is a simple one. …
My THM HEB Grocery List
-MY THM HEB GROCERY LIST- For those who might live down here in the south (TEXAS) where we have an HEB on almost every corner, I wanted to share my grocery list with y’all. I can pretty much do all my shopping at HEB with just a little supplementing at the THM Online Store! If…
Chicken Enchilada Soup
Chicken Enchilada Soup Y’all this soup is yummy! If you don’t know it by now, I LOVE Mexican Food! Seriously! If you have see any of my menu posts you know that we have Mexican food probably 4 or 5 times a week. Maybe it’s a Texan thing, but I cannot get away from…
Coconut Cake
Coconut Cake (This post contains AFFILIATE LINKS!) It’s Spring Time here in Texas! The weather is already warm and bluebonnets are blooming all over the highways and fields. I love this time of year in Texas!! Coconut Cake always reminds me of Spring Time or Easter. My grandmother always made a coconut cake for Easter. …
Helpful Tips from the THM Old Timer AND Giveaway
Hey Guys!! I’ve been a practicing THM since May 2013. I’ve had two babies and nursing both of them while THMing. I have the first old book, which I’ve got to admit, I LOVE, and the new Planbook and Cookbook, which I equally love! I’ve had my cheats, my relapses, my defeats and my victories. But I always keep…