German Chocolate Cake (low-carb, sugar-free)

  (This post contains AFFILIATE links.) My husband recently challenged me to make him a Trim Healthy (MAN) German Chocolate Cake with Icing for his upcoming birthday (Ok not till April). I accepted his challenge… reluctantly though. I had a couple ideas flashing around my head but I knew it needed 1. to taste amazing…

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Fun Favorites Friday- Homemade Seasonings

Hey guys!! I wanted to share what I posted to my Mrs. Criddle’s Kitchen facebook page and instagram page. Homemade Seasonings!!! So much better than the packages & way better for you & super easy to make!! Give it a shot!! Here is my Taco Seasoning Recipe: 6- tbsp Chili powder 6- tbsp Cumin powder…

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Breakfast Menu for 15 Days of Trim Healthy Mama

Here is a follow up to my Dinner Menu for 15 days of Trim Healthy Mama! I added the pages for recipes in the book. Hope this is helpful! I know when I was first starting out, anything to help get things organized or even down on paper was a big help to me. I…

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Zucchini Au Gratin S Side Dish

This is one of our FAVORITE side dishes now!! My husband, who does not even like zucchini, totally loved this dish! Need a good side to serve with your meal… try this one! Potato used to be the biggest thing as far as side dishes went for us but once we removed that from our…

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Dinner Menu for 15 days of Trim Healthy Mama

Hey y’all!! I am sure you know by now that I have had lots of success following the Trim Healthy Mama plan!! It’s an amazing way to eat! And I’ve dieted off and on through out the years but never found a plan I knew I would stick with. On Weight Watchers I had to…

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Coconut Mini Donuts with Vanilla Glaze

Tried something a little different for breakfast today. Wanted a hardy sweet breakfast, like donuts, but without the sugar/carb overload for my kids. I saw this recipe for Coconut Flour Cake Donuts from and tweaked it to fit for us. First, I heated up my coconut oil on my stove. Mixed up my eggs,…

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