What started as a simple thought and then an Instagram post because a full-fledged MOM CHALLENGE. A challenge to moms to see their worth… to throw out the frump and put on a fresh fun much needed change. And I don’t mean just “change of clothes” but also a change of perspective!
I was in a slump, y’all. It’s hard to admit it. I put on the weight that I had lost after my last pregnancy. And while nursing, I struggle NOT to GAIN 15 lbs… (where are the professionals who say “breastfeed, the weight will just melt off”… blah blah blah, LIES!)
Needless to say, I was in a slump. My complete focus is my husband & kids, homeschooling, our business, family, friends, life… there is rarely time to even look in the mirror… *shudder*.
I guess that is part of our mom DNA (put others first), as it should be. I seriously am not a advocate of “me first”, BUT, moms need a little care too…
Anyway, I realized I was allowing myself to slump into the FRUMP… eeeh… slept-in old pj pants (my favorite, for realz, I could LIVE in those), big baggy dirty stained (spit up, dinner prep from the night before, dirt from a little boy kiss) T-shirt, flip flops, three day old hair up in a dirty greasy bun… you know the look, right? Please tell me I’m not the only one…
My husband is amazing! He can see through the FRUMP. I honestly don’t know how he does it, X-RAY VISION EYES or something (well, he is my superman, so it fits)… but he can look at my-mess-of-a-self and think I am the most beautiful woman in the world (yep, never letting him go). He’s just amazing!
My kids too! They think I am “the most beautiful mom in the world”! Craziness I tell you!
And then there is Christ… wow, He loves me right where I am at, frumpiness and all.
BUT I HAD to throw myself a life line… I am not where I want to be but I am LOVED by so many right where I am at. So I need to love myself right where I am at. I decided to MAKE AN EFFORT.
Instead of staying in those old pajama pants until I had to go in public, I would wake up, get dressed cute, put on a little make up, try a style for my hair (that was a hard one), use my earring holes for their purpose, pluck those rugs.. er… eyebrows. Wow, I felt better… not that dressing cute will change everything but I could tell I was loving myself a little. And that’s ok! Myself needs a little loving from myself! I need to know I’m worth a little dressing up! I’m not JUST A WIFE. I’m not JUST A MOM. Gosh, I’m raising world-changers here! Teaching future warriors! I’m in charge of the upkeep of my kingdom! The king of my kingdom has his eyes on me (and his arms around me). My family thinks I’m worth it… “I” need to believe I’m worth it too!
So here is my challenge… for the whole month of August wake up every morning and dress yourself up. Not like fancy shmancy but lose the frump. Put on the fun fresh you. Put on a pair of new jeans… well at least a pair of slightly clean jeans, put on a cute top, maybe some jewelry if you wear it, paint your nails or toenails, wash your hair, shave your legs. You can take 10 minutes to spruce up or at least take a decent shot at it! If I can do it, believe me, you can do it!! DON’T wait to be at goal weight before you dress cute… dress cute right now, darn it! You are worth it, I am worth it!! AND when you feel better about you it rubs off! Your hubby will notice (it may take him a little while, ladies, so give him grace… guys don’t notices details as much as we do). Self-confidence is a sexy thing to wear! Believe me, he will notice! Smile, flirt, tease your man… you might get a refreshed marriage out of it too! Be who you are, not the frump! Kick the frump to the curb! And 21 days make a habit, so 31 days should make a change! You can do it! WE CAN DO IT!!!
Let’s cheer each other on! I started a facebook group called Lose the Frump-A Mom Challenge where us moms can encourage each other, share, post fun styles, dos, tutorials, questions, prayers, etc. We can be there for each others! Or you can be there for me, haha! Praying for you, so pray for me!!! LOSE THE FRUMP!!!
This is a great post Sarah full of wonderful encouragement! Totally agree with you on the hubby will notice point…I’ve made a practice of dressing up even if I’m not leaving the house and to say that my husband appreciates it would be an understatement!! 🙂
Yay!! Thank you so much!
I’m in!! 🙂