Hey Y’all!! I wanted to share with you this Eat At Home Challenge my friend Jennifer Mason with Working at Home School came up with!! I’m so excited to be apart of this challenge with many of my fellow THM Bloggers!! I don’t know about y’all but I tend to let things slide when I eat out! THIS CHALLENGE is to keep us on the path! It’s a menu WITH a grocery list for your food and then a chance to win a $40 giftcard to the THM Store!!!
Go to Jennifer’s Site… check out the menu and grocery list… plan your week! This really is such a great menu list with many of my favorite THM Blogging Buddies!!! But you don’t have to do this challenge to sign up for the give away… You can sign up know for the give away now!!! But I really recommend going for this challenge to help you get back on track or stay on track after the holiday!
CLICK HERE to check out the menu and Grocery List…http://workingathomeschool.com/2015/07/04/eat-at-home-challenge
Each meal is listed with S, E, or FP by meal type! I so appreciate all the work Jennifer put into this! I really hope this helps you out as much as it helps me! Yes, I’m doing the challenge too! I NEED IT!! So enjoy and happy THMing!!
Enter the give away BELOW:
I could soon use this ….. 😉
Great idea! Love all of the blogs!
I really like THM and hope to be more compliant!
Thank you so much for this challenge. I have been reading and reading but didn’t really get into it until now. So my hubby and I have been on THM for 7 days now.